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List of Identity Projects on Base

This is our list of the top Identity Projects on Base, featuring the best crypto to follow and upcoming projects.
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Base Name Service (BaseNS)
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BaseNS, the 1st DID on the Base Mainnet. Secure your distinctive Web3 domain on all blockchains today. Developed and managed independently of Coinbase / Base.
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Base Name Service (BNS) 🛡️
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Web3 naming (.base) for the next billion+ users on BASE | Native Name Service | Backed by @OrangeDAOxyz |
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شركة مواهب التربية للتعليم والتدريب
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#شركة مواهب التربية للتعليم و التدريب مؤسسة #تربوية تقدم خدمات تعليمية متنوعة 00966537091111
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BaseID 🛡️
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Your web3 IDentity on Base | DM for support
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